Acute in spanish


pronunciation: ɑgudoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

acute1 = agudo, considerable, notable, importante, acuciante, grave. 

Example: In some areas of study, notably the social sciences, the problems vocabulary are acute.


» acute + Enfermedad = Enfermedad + aguda.

Example: The smaller the size of the iris, the more likely for the diagnosis to be acute iritis.

» acute infection = infección aguda, infección grave.

Example: However, acute infections are uncommonly recognized clinically, underscoring the importance of screening individuals at risk.

» be acute = ser acuciante.

Example: If the computer is correctly programmed it presents little difficulty in a computer-based system, where problems of excessive retrieval are likely to be most acute anyway.

» SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) = SARS (Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo y Grave).

Example: The region is enduring the consequences of a global economic slump and the outbreak of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Sydrome) and avian flu epidemics.

acute2 = acento agudo. 

Example: The problem here is how to file words which include letters with accents or other modifications (eg the acute, grave or circumflex in French, or the umlaut in German).


» acute accent = acento agudo.

Example: The problem here is how to file words which include letters with accents or other modifications (eg the acute, grave or circumflex in French, or the umlaut in German).

» acute angle = ángulo agudo.

Example: The acute and obtuse angles are also known as oblique angles.

» acute triangle = triángulo agudo.

Example: A triangle which is neither an acute (less than 90° angles) nor a right triangle (i.e., it has one greater than 90° angle) is called an obtuse triangle.

Acute synonyms

keen in spanish: afilado, pronunciation: kin part of speech: adjective critical in spanish: crítico, pronunciation: krɪtɪkəl part of speech: adjective sharp in spanish: agudo, pronunciation: ʃɑrp part of speech: adjective intense in spanish: intenso, pronunciation: ɪntens part of speech: adjective ague in spanish: fiebre intermitente, pronunciation: eɪgi part of speech: noun incisive in spanish: incisivo, pronunciation: ɪnsaɪsɪv part of speech: adjective perceptive in spanish: perceptivo, pronunciation: pɜrseptɪv part of speech: adjective pointed in spanish: puntiagudo, pronunciation: pɔɪntəd part of speech: adjective piercing in spanish: perforación, pronunciation: pɪrsɪŋ part of speech: adjective discriminating in spanish: discriminante, pronunciation: dɪskrɪməneɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective penetrating in spanish: penetrante, pronunciation: penətreɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective acuate in spanish: acuate, pronunciation: ækweɪt part of speech: adjective subacute in spanish: subaguda, pronunciation: sʌbəkjut part of speech: adjective penetrative in spanish: penetrante, pronunciation: penətreɪtɪv part of speech: adjective knifelike in spanish: como un cuchillo, pronunciation: naɪflaɪk part of speech: adjective acute accent in spanish: acento agudo, pronunciation: əkjutəksent part of speech: noun

Acute antonyms

obtuse pronunciation: ɑbtus part of speech: adjective chronic pronunciation: krɑnɪk part of speech: adjective
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