Adjustment in spanish


pronunciation: ɑxuste part of speech: noun
In gestures

adjustment = ajuste, adaptación. 

Example: Even in situations where there is a published list covering the requirements of the type of library to be indexed, this list is likely to require adjustment in order to make it compatible with local requirements.


» make + adjustment = hacer ajustes.

Example: The appropriate size for a university's main library building or buildings should be assessed by making adjustment for special circumstances.

» maladjustment = inadaptación, desajuste, incongruencia. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: The findings indicated that antisocial behavior was relatively stable across the elementary school years and seemed indicative for increasing maladjustment during adolescence.

» misadjustment = desajuste. 

Example: Laptop computers can also have misadjustments relating to color accuracy relative to a printer.

» readjustment = reajuste. 

Example: Any changes, such as insertions or deletions will produce a readjustment of text which will carry through to the end of the text.

» seasonal adjustment = ajuste de la componente estacional, ajuste estacional.

Example: Such time series are therefore subjected to a process of seasonal adjustment in order to remove the effects of these seasonal fluctuations.

» social adjustment = adaptación social.

Example: The author compares learning achievement, social adjustment, and family conflict among 146 Bedouin students from polygamous and monogamous families.

Adjustment synonyms

accommodation in spanish: alojamiento, pronunciation: əkɑmədeɪʃən part of speech: noun allowance in spanish: tolerancia, pronunciation: əlaʊəns part of speech: noun adaptation in spanish: adaptación, pronunciation: ædəpteɪʃən part of speech: noun fitting in spanish: adecuado, pronunciation: fɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective, noun alteration in spanish: modificación, pronunciation: ɔltɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun registration in spanish: registro, pronunciation: redʒɪstreɪʃən part of speech: noun modification in spanish: modificación, pronunciation: mɑdəfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun readjustment in spanish: reajuste, pronunciation: riədʒʌstmənt part of speech: noun
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