Caddish in spanish

de Cádiz

pronunciation: dekɑdiθ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

caddish = grosero, burdo, descortés, chabacano, procaz. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: He made a very boorish, embarassing, humiliating, inappropriate, caddish toast at their wedding.


» caddish act = jugarreta, mala jugada, mala pasada, bellaquería, bellacada, barrabasada, diablura, cabronada, putada, canallada.

Example: Everyone readily agreed that to spread the story would be a caddish act.

» caddish trick = jugarreta, mala jugada, mala pasada, bellaquería, bellacada, barrabasada, diablura, cabronada, putada, canallada.

Example: I have always behaved fairly and honourably, but if my opponent insists on descending to dirty and caddish tricks he will find that two can play at that game.

Caddish synonyms

discourteous in spanish: descortés, pronunciation: dɪskɜrtiəs part of speech: adjective ungallant in spanish: ungallant, pronunciation: əŋgælənt part of speech: adjective unchivalrous in spanish: incivalente, pronunciation: əntʃəvɑlrəs part of speech: adjective
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