Daft in spanish


pronunciation: loʊkoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

daft [dafter -comp., daftest -sup.] = estúpido, loco, bobo, bobalicón, sonado, alelado, abobado, gili, gilipuertas, lelo, ido, panoli, badulaque, como una cabra. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: Ranking among the dafter exercises sometimes imposed on children is the one that requires them to describe a screwdriver or a vase or the desks they sit at, or any familiar object.


» as daft as a brush = tonto del bote, tonto de remate, tonto del culo, tonto perdido, chiflado perdido, chalado perdido, pirado perdido, no tener dos dedos de frente, tener pocas luces, más corto que las mangas de un chaleco.

Example: His colleagues would say he's as daft as a brush, has bags of energy and enthusiasm but gets the job done.

Daft synonyms

insane in spanish: insano, pronunciation: ɪnseɪn part of speech: adjective nuts in spanish: nueces, pronunciation: nʌts part of speech: adjective buggy in spanish: calesa, pronunciation: bʌgi part of speech: noun wacky in spanish: chiflado, pronunciation: wæki part of speech: adjective balmy in spanish: balsámico, pronunciation: bɑmi part of speech: adjective haywire in spanish: loco, pronunciation: heɪwaɪr part of speech: noun loco in spanish: locomotora, pronunciation: loʊkoʊ part of speech: adjective bonkers in spanish: loco, pronunciation: bɑŋkɜrz part of speech: adjective loopy in spanish: chiflado, pronunciation: lupi part of speech: adjective dotty in spanish: punteado, pronunciation: dɑti part of speech: adjective kooky in spanish: chiflado, pronunciation: kuki part of speech: adjective nutty in spanish: de nuez, pronunciation: nʌti part of speech: adjective crackers in spanish: galletas, pronunciation: krækɜrz part of speech: adjective loony in spanish: loco, pronunciation: luni part of speech: adjective, noun barmy in spanish: chalado, pronunciation: bɑrmi part of speech: adjective fruity in spanish: sabroso, pronunciation: fruti part of speech: adjective bats in spanish: murciélagos, pronunciation: bæts part of speech: adjective cracked in spanish: agrietado, pronunciation: krækt part of speech: adjective batty in spanish: chalado, pronunciation: bæti part of speech: adjective kookie in spanish: Kookie, pronunciation: kuki part of speech: adjective
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