Handicap in spanish


pronunciation: desbentɑxɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

handicap1 = obstáculo, impedimento. 

Example: A high exhaustivity of indexing, then, is beneficial where a thorough search is required, but may be a handicap when only a few highly relevant documents are sought.


» physical handicap = minusvalía física.

Example: Special needs is seen primarily as social and emotional deprivation rather than physical handicap.

handicap2 = obstaculizar. 

Example: The database may, as a result of its parentage, be handicapped by features that are not suited to computerized retrieval.

Handicap synonyms

hinder in spanish: impedir, pronunciation: hɪndɜr part of speech: verb hamper in spanish: cesto, pronunciation: hæmpɜr part of speech: verb, noun impediment in spanish: impedimento, pronunciation: ɪmpedəmənt part of speech: noun deterrent in spanish: disuasorio, pronunciation: dɪtɜrrənt part of speech: noun hindrance in spanish: obstáculo, pronunciation: hɪndrəns part of speech: noun impairment in spanish: discapacidad, pronunciation: ɪmpermənt part of speech: noun invalid in spanish: inválido, pronunciation: ɪnvələd part of speech: adjective, noun disability in spanish: discapacidad, pronunciation: dɪsəbɪlɪti part of speech: noun disable in spanish: inhabilitar, pronunciation: dɪseɪbəl part of speech: verb disadvantage in spanish: desventaja, pronunciation: dɪsədvæntɪdʒ part of speech: noun incapacitate in spanish: incapacitar, pronunciation: ɪnkəpæsɪteɪt part of speech: verb disablement in spanish: inhabilidad, pronunciation: dɪseɪbəlmənt part of speech: noun
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