Jumble in spanish


pronunciation: reboʊltixoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

jumble1 = revoltijo, lío, confusión. 

Example: Compared to this fairly ordered monographic literature, the multiple contents of a collection of periodicals seemed like a terrible jumble.


» a jumble of = un revoltijo de.

Example: In a jumble of old papers I recently came across the photograph of a young man striding through a classroom door.

» jumble and squeeze = revoltijo.

Example: The vista of main street shows in addition to the jumble and squeeze of shops, a 12-story skyscraper, several impressive banks, and a few elderly housing units.

» jumble sale = mercadillo de prendas de segunda mano, mercadillo de prendas usadas, bazar benéfico. [Generalmente con fines benéficos]

Example: Jumble sales are great places to pick up hidden treasures like vintage clothes, designer cast offs and all sorts of quirky bric-a-brac for a fraction of their original price.

jumble (up)2 = revolver, mezclar, embrollar. 

Example: The lottery machine contains 99 identical black balls and 1 white ball, and after jumbling the balls, one is selected at random.


» unjumble = poner en orden, ordenar.

Example: In this quiz, you will be given ten jumbled words; your task is to unjumble the words with the help of their definition.

Jumble synonyms

scramble in spanish: lucha, pronunciation: skræmbəl part of speech: noun clutter in spanish: desorden, pronunciation: klʌtɜr part of speech: noun muddle in spanish: confusión, pronunciation: mʌdəl part of speech: noun, verb hodgepodge in spanish: mezcolanza, pronunciation: hɑdʒpɑdʒ part of speech: noun mingle in spanish: mezclarse, pronunciation: mɪŋgəl part of speech: verb confuse in spanish: confundir, pronunciation: kənfjuz part of speech: verb smother in spanish: ahogar, pronunciation: smʌðɜr part of speech: verb welter in spanish: confusión, pronunciation: weltɜr part of speech: noun patchwork in spanish: labor de retazos, pronunciation: pætʃwɜrk part of speech: noun mix up in spanish: mezclar, pronunciation: mɪksʌp part of speech: verb jumbal in spanish: jumbal, pronunciation: dʒʌmbəl part of speech: noun throw together in spanish: hacer rápidamente, pronunciation: θroʊtəgeðɜr part of speech: verb
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