Knockout in spanish


pronunciation: knoʊkkeɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

knock out = derribar, tumbar, destruir, demoler. 

Example: Two years ago Hurricane Hugo nearly knocked out Charleston.

knock out = producir en abundancia. 

Example: He doesn't really have a passion for writing anymore, but he keeps going, knocking out books regular as clockwork to keep that steady paycheck coming in.

knockout = nocaut, fuera de combate, cao, K.O.. 

Example: Boxing fans love nothing more than a knockout, and the same goes for boxers themselves, so long as they are on the winning end.


» technical knockout = nocaut técnico, fuera de combate técnico, cao técnico, K.O. técnico.

Example: His final fight ended ignominiously, with him on the losing end of an eighth-round technical knockout.

Knockout synonyms

beauty in spanish: belleza, pronunciation: bjuti part of speech: noun hard in spanish: difícil, pronunciation: hɑrd part of speech: adjective strong in spanish: fuerte, pronunciation: strɔŋ part of speech: adjective severe in spanish: grave, pronunciation: səvɪr part of speech: adjective dish in spanish: plato, pronunciation: dɪʃ part of speech: noun peach in spanish: melocotón, pronunciation: pitʃ part of speech: noun lulu in spanish: lulu, pronunciation: lulu part of speech: noun sweetheart in spanish: novio, pronunciation: swithɑrt part of speech: noun looker in spanish: observador, pronunciation: lʊkɜr part of speech: noun ko in spanish: ko, pronunciation: koʊ part of speech: noun stunner in spanish: persona maravillosa, pronunciation: stʌnɜr part of speech: noun mantrap in spanish: cepo, pronunciation: mæntræp part of speech: noun smasher in spanish: bombón, pronunciation: smæʃɜr part of speech: noun
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