Naive in spanish


pronunciation: inxenuoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

naive [naïve]1 = ingenuo, inocente. 

Example: At the risk of sounding trite and a bit naive, I'd like to remind this group that the ISBD was also called, not for the cataloger's benefit, but as an international tool of bibliographic description.

naive [naïve]2 = inexperto. 

Example: The difference between naive readers (whether adult or child) and sophisticated readers (whether adult or child) is that the naive reader has not acquired a language in which to express his criticism.

Naive synonyms

green in spanish: verde, pronunciation: grin part of speech: adjective, noun simple in spanish: sencillo, pronunciation: sɪmpəl part of speech: adjective gullible in spanish: crédulo, pronunciation: gʌləbəl part of speech: adjective ignorant in spanish: ignorante, pronunciation: ɪgnɜrənt part of speech: adjective callow in spanish: inexperto, pronunciation: kæloʊ part of speech: adjective innocent in spanish: inocente, pronunciation: ɪnəsənt part of speech: adjective ingenuous in spanish: ingenuo, pronunciation: ɪndʒenjuəs part of speech: adjective credulous in spanish: crédulo, pronunciation: kredʒələs part of speech: adjective naif in spanish: naif, pronunciation: neɪf part of speech: adjective immature in spanish: inmaduro, pronunciation: ɪmətjʊr part of speech: adjective artless in spanish: simple, pronunciation: ɑrtləs part of speech: adjective childlike in spanish: infantil, pronunciation: tʃaɪldlaɪk part of speech: adjective inexperienced in spanish: inexperto, pronunciation: ɪnɪkspɪriənst part of speech: adjective unsophisticated in spanish: no sofisticado, pronunciation: ənsəfɪstɪkeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective unworldly in spanish: espiritual, pronunciation: ənwɜrldli part of speech: adjective fleeceable in spanish: fugaz, pronunciation: flisəbəl part of speech: adjective simple-minded in spanish: ingenuo, pronunciation: sɪmpəlmaɪndɪd part of speech: adjective dewey-eyed in spanish: con ojos de rocío, pronunciation: dd

Naive antonyms

sophisticated pronunciation: səfɪstəkeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective
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