Valve in spanish


pronunciation: bɑlbulɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

valve = lámpara, válvula. 

Example: Whilst valves work by passing electric currents through a vacuum between electrodes, transistors are built from materials called semiconductors.


» angle ball valve = válvula angular, llave de paso angular, válvula de escuadra, llave de paso de escuadra.

Example: The typical angle ball valve is made of chromed metal with a plastic ball and can have one or two outlet ports, depending on how many fixtures it supplies.

» ball valve = válvula de esfera, válvula de bola, llave de paso de bola, llave de paso esférica.

Example: I much prefer using ball valves in applications where they are to be in either the fully on or fully off position.

» butterfly valve = válvula de mariposa.

Example: Two major types of inlet/outlet valves are the spherical (rotary) valve and the butterfly valve.

» expansion valve = válvula de expasión.

Example: During the compression cycle, the refrigerant passes through four major components within the chiller: the evaporator, the compressor, the condenser, and then expansion valve.

» heart valve = válvula del corazón, válvula coronaria, válvula cardíaca.

Example: Rheumatic heart disease is a condition in which the heart valves are damaged by rheumatic fever.

» inlet valve = válvula de entrada.

Example: Two major types of inlet/outlet valves are the spherical (rotary) valve and the butterfly valve.

» intake valve = válvula de admisión, válvula de entrada.

Example: An intake manifold is a system of passages that carry out the fuel/air mixture from the carburetor to the intake valves of the engine.

» no-return valve = válvula antirretorno.

Example: Each is equipped with a no-return valve that prevents escape of blood during systole.

» outlet valve = válvula de salida.

Example: Two major types of inlet/outlet valves are the spherical (rotary) valve and the butterfly valve.

» poppet valve = válvula de asiento.

Example: This design performs exactly the same function as poppet valves.

» pressure relief valve = válvula de seguridad, válvula de descompresión.

Example: The pressure relief valve 'lets off steam' when safe pressures are exceeded.

» pressure valve = válvula de presión.

Example: Pressure valves are absolutely critical for the safe, reliable and precise control of hydraulic machinery.

» rotary valve = válvula esférica.

Example: Two major types of inlet/outlet valves are the spherical (rotary) valve and the butterfly valve.

» safety valve = válvula de seguridad.

Example: For safety of the boiler, a safety valve is provided, which blows off steam automatically, if the pressure exceeds beyong a set limit.

» shut-off valve = llave de paso, válvula de paso.

Example: If you have a leak inside your house, look under the sinks or toilets for a shut-off valve.

» spherical valve = válvula esférica, válvula de bola, llave de paso de bola, llave de paso esférica.

Example: Two major types of inlet/outlet valves are the spherical (rotary) valve and the butterfly valve.

» stop valve = llave de paso, válvula de paso, válvula de cierre.

Example: If you install a stop valve, it will save you the trouble of shutting off the water in the entire home for a single sink or toilet repair.

» throttle valve = válvula de mariposa.

Example: When you step on the gas pedal, the throttle valve opens up more, letting in more air.

» valve transplant = transplante de válvula.

Example: Thankfully I grew out of the epilepsy and haven't been bothered by that since I was eight, but I do have a slight condition which might mean, in years to come, I'll need a valve transplant.

» water valve = llave de paso del agua.

Example: Knowing how to turn off your home's water valves can be vital during an emergency.
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