Absorbente in english


pronunciation: əbzɔrbənt part of speech: noun
In gestures

absorbente = absorbent ; absorbing ; absorptive ; engrossing. 

Example: At this stage the paper was called waterleaf, and was absorbent like blotting-paper.Example: Administration of reference services is an absorbing challenge.Example: Action to alleviate information inequity should be guided by more knowledge of the absorptive process that is unique to each cultural group = Action to alleviate information inequity should be guided by more knowledge of the absorptive process that is unique to each cultural group.Example: It's an engrossing, heart-breaking look at a small group of people succeeding and failing in ways we may not expect.


» papel absorbenteabsorbable paperabsorbing paper .

Example: A back-up option is to train Bailey to poop in a litter tray that has absorbable paper in the bottom of it = Otra alternativa es adiestrar a Bailey a hacerse caca en un cajón de arena con papel absorbente en el fondo.

Example: All the work is done in trays covered with liquid absorbing paper.

» secar dando golpecitos ligeros con algo absorbentepat + Nombre + dry .

Example: To steam a vegetable in your microwave, just wash it and pat it dry, place it in a microwave-safe bowl, cover tightly and microwave it.

Absorbente synonyms

thirsty in spanish: sediento, pronunciation: θɜrsti part of speech: adjective hygroscopic in spanish: higroscópico, pronunciation: haɪgrɑskəpɪk part of speech: adjective spongy in spanish: esponjoso, pronunciation: spʌndʒi part of speech: adjective absorptive in spanish: absorbente, pronunciation: əbzɔrptɪv part of speech: adjective assimilative in spanish: asimilación, pronunciation: əsɪmələtɪv part of speech: adjective assimilating in spanish: asimilación, pronunciation: əsɪməleɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective absorbefacient in spanish: absorbefacient, pronunciation: æbzɜrbfeɪʃənt part of speech: adjective assimilatory in spanish: asimilativo, pronunciation: əsɪmələtɔri part of speech: adjective sorbefacient in spanish: sorbefaciente, pronunciation: sɔrbəfeɪʃənt part of speech: adjective absorbent material in spanish: material absorbente, pronunciation: əbzɔrbəntmətɪriəl part of speech: noun
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