Acaudalado in english


pronunciation: welθi part of speech: adjective
In gestures

acaudalado = wealthy. 

Example: Today's sophisticated media provide clear advantages to wealthy, well-established interest groups.


» hombre acaudaladoman of means .

Example: Almost all of them were well-educated men of means who were leaders in their communities.

» mujer acaudaladawoman of means .

Example: Women of means or with some skill opened businesses: dressmaking shops, stables and even blacksmith shops.

Acaudalado synonyms

flush in spanish: rubor, pronunciation: flʌʃ part of speech: noun, adjective, verb rich in spanish: Rico, pronunciation: rɪtʃ part of speech: adjective affluent in spanish: afluente, pronunciation: æfluənt part of speech: adjective loaded in spanish: cargado, pronunciation: loʊdəd part of speech: adjective moneyed in spanish: adinerado, pronunciation: mʌnid part of speech: adjective
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