Acceder in english

To access

pronunciation: tuækses part of speech: none
In gestures

acceder = access ; contact ; gain + access ; get into ; accede ; gain + admittance ; gain + entry. 

Example: Teletext services are broadcast information services which may be accessed in a non-interactive mode.Example: Hosts in Europe can also be contacted through the European part of the IPSS network.Example: Libraries gain access to their own files by means of terminals connected to the central computer.Example: To get into these national and international networks which are suitable for long-distance communication, a telephone link must be used to access the closest node.Example: Once Modjeski heard him express sympathy, she knew she could wheedle him into acceding.Example: In the early 1800s libraries were used by only the small portion of the population that could gain admittance.Example: The Israeli secret police, Mossad, used forged passports to gain entry into Dubai which were traced back to Israel.


» acceder aapproachfall in withget atagree to .

Example: The searcher may be the end user, but the end user is approaching the search in some ignorance of his real requirements, or of the literature that might be available to meet those requirements.

Example: Stanton fell in with the suggestion readily.

Example: If the scholar can get at only one a week by diligent search, his syntheses are not likely to keep up with the current scene.

Example: In this case, the librarian 'reluctantly agreed to change the heading to 'Sexual Orientation' in anticipation of Library Board disapproval' = En este caso, el bibliotecario "accedió de mala gana a cambiarlo a 'Orientación Sexual' previendo el rechazo por parte de la Comisión de la Biblioteca".

» acceder (a)have + access (to)get + access (to) .

Example: This could be useful if you want to find whether someone else has access to your account.

Example: The customers only need to spend an initial amount on the software after which they can get access to a number of Apple products free of cost.

» acceder haciendo clicclick .

Example: We click on the photo of the author, and he comes alive explaining the virtues of his book.

» acceder ilegalmentehack [Usado generalmente para la informática y las comunicaciones] .

Example: Mr Coulson also revealed that he had been warned by Scotland Yard that there was 'strong evidence' that his own phone had been hacked.

» difícil de accederhard-to-reach .

Example: One very cool maneuver I've seen my husband use before when using a socket wrench set on his truck is to use a mirror to see hard-to-reach places.
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