Pacificar in english


pronunciation: pæsəfaɪ part of speech: verb
In gestures

pacificar = lull ; still ; appease ; pacify. 

Example: Ulysses uses words to comfort and lull his mariners, to ease all minds about the hard decision he has made and to persuade all that his choice to leave is correct.Example: And arming himself with patience and piety he tarried awhile until the hubbub was stilled.Example: They've been working their butts off since the program was launched to appease the crowd.Example: Is television programming pacifying the masses by conditioning them not to think for themselves?.

Pacificar synonyms

assuage in spanish: calmar, pronunciation: əsweɪdʒ part of speech: verb placate in spanish: aplacar, pronunciation: pleɪkeɪt part of speech: verb appease in spanish: apaciguar, pronunciation: əpiz part of speech: verb gentle in spanish: amable, pronunciation: dʒentəl part of speech: adjective mollify in spanish: apaciguar, pronunciation: mɑləfaɪ part of speech: verb conciliate in spanish: conciliar, pronunciation: kənsɪlieɪt part of speech: verb gruntle in spanish: gruñir, pronunciation: grʌntəl part of speech: verb lenify in spanish: lenificar, pronunciation: lenəfaɪ part of speech: verb
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