Ultraje in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

ultrajar = outrage ; pillage ; abuse ; be abusive. 

Example: And yet the thought of what he was being asked to do to salvage the jeopardized budget outraged his every fiber.Example: And when, finally, the heavily timbered ranges had been pillaged almost beyond repair, many lumbermen pulled stakes and pushed westward.Example: It is important that those engaged in IR should not be abused by the improper use of the word 'intelligent'.Example: The common view of unacceptable behaviour is when a customer is abusive either verbally or physically.

Ultraje synonyms

abuse in spanish: abuso, pronunciation: əbjus part of speech: noun affront in spanish: afrenta, pronunciation: əfrʌnt part of speech: noun contumely in spanish: contumelia, pronunciation: kɑntumli part of speech: noun revilement in spanish: avivamiento, pronunciation: rɪvɪlmənt part of speech: noun
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