Acidic in spanish


pronunciation: ɑθidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

acidic = acídico. 

Example: A pilot study revealed that 25% of the collection is in need of repair and that 86% of the materials appear to be acidic.


» acidic paper = papel acídico, papel ácido. [Papel normal que normalmente tiene un grado de acidez alto, lo que contribuye a su deterioro y que generalmente se utiliza como contraposición a acid-free paper (papel no ácido)]

Example: Most publishers still use acidic paper, despite the availability of permanent paper.

Acidic synonyms

acid in spanish: ácido, pronunciation: æsəd part of speech: noun, adjective sour in spanish: agrio, pronunciation: saʊɜr part of speech: adjective acidulous in spanish: acídulo, pronunciation: əsɪdʒələs part of speech: adjective acidulent in spanish: acidulante, pronunciation: əsɪdʒələnt part of speech: adjective acid-forming in spanish: formador de ácido, pronunciation: əsidfɔrmɪŋ part of speech: adjective

Acidic antonyms

alkaline pronunciation: ælkəlaɪn part of speech: adjective amphoteric pronunciation: æmfoʊterɪk part of speech: adjective alkalic pronunciation: ælkælɪk part of speech: adjective amphiprotic pronunciation: æmfəprɑtɪk part of speech: adjective
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