Eagle in spanish


pronunciation: ɑgilɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

eagle1 = águila. 

Example: The article is entitled 'Messages from the eagle: Dacus Library's virtual tour'.


» as bald as an eagle = tan calvo como una bola de billar, calvo como una bola de billar, más calvo que una bola de billar.

Example: If only his fans knew that he was as bald as an eagle and that he wears a wig.

» bald eagle = águila americana, águila de cabeza blanca.

Example: The dominant scavengers at all locations were magpies, bald eagles, golden eagles, turkey vultures, red-tailed hawks, black bears, and probably elk and bison also participated in scavenging.

» eagle-eyed = con ojos de lince.

Example: The security firm, famous for its eagle-eyed officers, responded to a distress call from a teenager who was attacked while his parents were out.

» eagle eyes = ojos de lince.

Example: The article 'Eagle eyes: LASER newspapers' reports on a project undertaken by the LASER organization to survey local newspaper holdings of the UK and Ireland.

» fish eagle = águila pescadora.

Example: The article is entitled 'Cry of the fish eagle'.

» golden eagle = águila real.

Example: The dominant scavengers at all locations were magpies, bald eagles, golden eagles, turkey vultures, red-tailed hawks, black bears, and probably elk and bison also participated in scavenging.

» imperial eagle = águila imperial.

Example: Although rare, imperial eagles have been known to attack humans who come too close to their nests striking at them with their talons.

» sea eagle = águila marina, águila pescadora.

Example: Sea eagles are not actually true eagles (which have feathered legs) but giant kites.

» Spanish imperial eagle = águila imperial ibérica.

Example: In Spain and Portugal, cork oak landscapes have historically been home to the Iberian lynx and the Spanish imperial eagle.

» the right twigs for an eagle's nest = como anillo al dedo.

Example: The article 'The right twig for an eagle's nest' explores the social and political advantages of a good public library.

EAGLE (European Association for Grey Literature)2 = Asociación Europea para la Literatura Gris (EAGLE). 

Example: Its members then formed the European Association for Grey Literature (EAGLE), which is now self supporting and growing fast, with national SIGLE centres throughout Europe.

Eagle synonyms

bird of jove in spanish: pájaro de jove, pronunciation: bɜrdəvdʒoʊv part of speech: noun
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