Faculty in spanish


pronunciation: fɑkultɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

faculty1 = facultad, habilidad, capacidad. 

Example: Sophia no sooner saw Blifil than she turned pale, and almost lost the use of all her faculties.


» critical faculty = capacidad crítica.

Example: Schucking noted that early step when a child's 'imagination awakes, without corresponding development of the critical faculty,' a step most children make before they reach school age = Schucking se percató de ese primer paso en el niño cuando "se despierta su imaginación sin el correspondiente desarrollo de la capacidad crítica", un paso que dan la mayoría de los niños antes de alcanzar la edad escolar.

» human faculties = facultades humanas.

Example: Are we not perhaps then amputating our human faculties by limiting ourselves to the kind of meaningless cacophonation of symbols with which computers deal?.

» lose + Posesivo + faculties = perder las facultades.

Example: Not only that, but this cad has also convinced them she is losing her faculties.

» mental faculty = facultad mental.

Example: The book makes harrowing reading, charting the relentless disintegration of Schumann's mental and physical faculties, with equally heart-rendering intervals of lucidity and self-awareness.

» physical faculty = facultad física.

Example: The book makes harrowing reading, charting the relentless disintegration of Schumann's mental and physical faculties, with equally heart-rendering intervals of lucidity and self-awareness.

faculty2 = facultad. 

Example: The article 'An exercise in archival exhibitionism' describes the display to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the University's faculty of Medicine.


» faculty assembly = claustro universitario.

Example: In the event a member of the faculty cannot be present at a meeting of the Faculty Council or at a Faculty Assembly, that member shall have the right to designate a faculty member to vote for him/her by proxy.

» library faculty = facultativos de bibliotecas. [En los Estados Unidos, nivel de la profesión de bibliotecario dentro de las bibliotecas universitarias con funciones de investigacion y docencia]

Example: Library faculty must often meet research and publication requirements to be awarded tenure at their institutions.

» library school faculty = profesorado de biblioteconomía.

Example: This article looks at essential qualifications and qualities for library school faculty, which should include wide library experience.

» university faculty = profesor de universidad.

Example: University faculty were provided with an opportunity to review acquisitions lists in subject areas of choice and to have titles of interest held for pick-up.

faculty3 = profesorado, profesores, personal docente. 

Example: During his tenure, OSU was recognized for the high quality Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) program it developed in serving both students and faculty.


» faculty council = consejo de gobierno.

Example: In the event a member of the faculty cannot be present at a meeting of the Faculty Council or at a Faculty Assembly, that member shall have the right to designate a faculty member to vote for him/her by proxy.

» faculty staff = profesorado, profesores, personal docente.

Example: These lectures were evaluated by faculty staff and students simultaneously.

» teaching faculty = profesorado, personal docente.

Example: This article describes a study conducted to show how librarians think they are perceived by their colleagues in academe, the teaching faculty.

faculty4 = académico, universitario, del profesorado. 

Example: Academic disputations are generally entered under the heading for the faculty moderator.


» faculty board = junta de facultad.

Example: The methods used to educate the university community on the effects of book theft include discussions at faculty board meetings.

» faculty common room = sala de profesores, sala del profesorado.

Example: His experience of intellectual community in the faculty common room serves as a model for faculty renewal.

» faculty evaluation = evaluación del profesorado.

Example: 'She's also on to look into the matter of merit increases and faculty evaluation,' she coughed discreetly.

» faculty meeting = claustro, reunión de profesores.

Example: The public librarian can attend faculty meetings to ascertain curricular needs and use the latitude of the library's collection to augment the school's capacity.

» faculty member = profesor, profesor académico.

Example: LIBR (short for library) is used in English-speaking faculty members or employees who wish to access the library from their own terminals.

» faculty office = despacho de profesor.

Example: He argues for special attention to faculty offices, landscaping, 'green' architecture, preservation of heritage buildings, removal of eyesore buildings, and safety.

» faculty roster = plantilla de profesorado.

Example: This article describes a study conducted to establish if characteristics of elitism exist in the library science schools for their faculty roster.

» faculty senate meeting = claustro universitario.

Example: The questionnaires distributed at the faculty senate meeting had a 79 percent response rate.

» faculty status = equiparación con el profesorado. [Condición de igualdad a todos los niveles (títulos, derechos, beneficios, etc.) entre los bibliotecarios y los profesores de una institución universitaria]

Example: The faculty status issue continues to hold considerable attention among academic librarians.

» faculty tenure = interinidad como profesor.

Example: Faculty tenure is designed to allow the scholar to proceed with his investigation without being fettered with concerns arising from loss of job and salary.

Faculty synonyms

staff in spanish: personal, pronunciation: stæf part of speech: noun module in spanish: módulo, pronunciation: mɑdʒul part of speech: noun mental faculty in spanish: facultad mental, pronunciation: mentəlfækəlti part of speech: noun
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