Habit in spanish


pronunciation: ɑbitoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

habit1 = hábito, costumbre. 

Example: This feature, portability, can be a mixed blessing-things which can be moved have a habit of disappearing.


» become + a habit = convertirse en un hábito, convertirse en una costumbre.

Example: In a society where swearing untruthfully has become a habit, truthfulness and honesty gradually diminish and untruthfulness and lying become a trend.

» be in the habit of + Gerundio = tener por costumbre + Infinitivo, tener la costumbre de + Infinitivo.

Example: Roger Horn tells of a librarian who actually complained in print that just as the materials began to pile up nicely the enquirers were in the habit of disappearing.

» buying habit = hábito de consumo, hábito de compra.

Example: There are firms that can compile profiles of users' buying habits based on the type of Web transactions and user behaviour recorded from the Web and sell this information on to other bodies.

» by force of habit = por la fuerza de la costumbre, por inercia, por rutina.

Example: Most everything that they do is done by force of habit rather than by instinct (as animals do) or by conscious decision or by whim.

» citing habit = cita, hábito de citación.

Example: This parallelism suggests similar citing habits of scientists in the fields studied.

» consumption habit = hábito de consumo, hábito de compra.

Example: Between the ages of nine and twelve, children develop consumption habits that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

» creature of habit = animal de costumbres.

Example: He is also a creature of habit, a rationalist and a precisionist, a self-disciplinarian who attempts to regulate every aspect of waking life in accordance with the strictest reason and propriety.

» cultivate + reading habits = cultivar los hábitos de lectura.

Example: This article mentions the libraries of the Arab Cultural Centres referring particularly to their role in fighting illiteracy and cultivating reading habits in different groups of the population.

» customs and habits = usos y costumbres.

Example: Every religion possesses its own unique customs and habits, but they all need a place to congregate and worship.

» drinking habit = hábito de consumo de alcohol.

Example: Since World War II, British brewing, pubs and drinking habits have gone through fundamental changes.

» drug habit = drogadicción, adicción a las drogas.

Example: The author wrings sick humor from its feckless heroes' forlorn attempts to escape from a drug habit that they do not really enjoy any longer.

» eating habit = hábito alimentario, hábito alimenticio.

Example: By preventing poor eating habits, diseases and retrograde behaviour, the consumption of honey and royal jelly could prove that the reintroduction of natural foods will protect the human body.

» force of habit = fuerza de la costumbre, la; fuerza del hábito, la.

Example: After mulling this over for days, I have reached the conclusion that sheer force of habit has a whole lot to do with my track record.

» from force of habit = por la fuerza de la costumbre, por inercia, por rutina.

Example: Sociology starts from the premise that we are basically social animals, not just from force of habit but because we could not otherwise survive.

» get into + the habit of = acostumbrarse a, habituarse a, adquirir la costumbre de, adquirir el hábitode, coger la costumbre de, coger el hábito de.

Example: This way, you'll get into the habit of putting away a certain amount each month = De este modo, te acostumbrarás a ahorrar una cierta cantidad todos los meses.

» get out of + the habit of = perder la costumbre de, desacostumbrarse.

Example: I think we need to get out of the habit of thinking that for quality we have to pay large sums of money.

» have + a habit of = tener la costumbre de.

Example: This feature, portability, can be a mixed blessing-things which can be moved have a habit of disappearing.

» have + the habit of = tener la costumbre de, tener el hábito de.

Example: The director had a habit of postponing certain questions and never returning to them.

» healthy habit = hábito saludable.

Example: Healthy habits can protect everyone from getting germs or spreading germs at home, school, or work.

» information habit = hábito informativo.

Example: In physics traditional information habits are preserved with a few leading scientists publishing articles with few co-authors.

» information-seeking habit = hábito de búsqueda de información.

Example: A survey was carried out into the information needs and information-seeking habits of hospital physicians.

» kick + the habit = dejar el hábito. [Dejar una mala costumbre]

Example: Here's one you forgot: How about sponsoring a 'kick the habit' program?.

» lapse into + habit = caer en un hábito.

Example: Employees must call upon the services of the librarians and not lapse into 'do-it-yourself' habits.

» lose + the habit = perder el hábito.

Example: This article describes a workshop for students designed to develop a taste for reading among educated people who had lost the habit.

» old habit = vieja costumbre.

Example: This failure was to be expected, for Petrodar had not changed the old habits of appropriating land without paying compensation during the war years.

» old habits die hard = las viejas costumbres son difíciles de erradicar, las viejas costumbres no se pierden fácilmente, genio y figura hasta la sepultura.

Example: It's become painfully obvious to me that old habits die hard, and I'll be honest -- it scares the hell out of me.

» out of habit = por la fuerza de la costumbre, por inercia, por rutina.

Example: The main challenge is that sometimes we may not realize that what we have just done or said came out of habit.

» personal habit = hábito personal.

Example: These are some of the personal habits and management styles that make a good/bad library director.

» publishing habit = hábito de publicación.

Example: In a period corresponding to 2 scientific generations, important changes in writing and publishing habits were observed.

» purchasing habit = hábito de consumo, hábito de compra.

Example: In the general book market, however, there is still a great deal of variety in purchasing habits.

» reading habit = hábito de lectura, hábito lector.

Example: The article 'Why girls flock to Sweet Valley High' investigates the appeal to girls of adolescent romances and what, if anything, could be done to broaden the reading habits of such fans of formula fiction.

» reform + bad habits = reformar malos hábitos.

Example: And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account -- to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day -- because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government = Y los que manejemos el dinero público tendremos que responder de ello (gastar con prudencia, cambiar malos hábitos y hacer nuestro trabajo a la luz del día) porque sólo entonces podremos restablecer la confianza entre el pueblo y su gobierno.

» shopping habit = hábito de compra, hábito de consumo.

Example: The author discusses the effects of the reform of the Sunday shopping hours on national shopping habits.

» stop + a habit = dejar un hábito, abandonar un hábito.

Example: When you decide to quit smoking, establishing smoke-free zones will help you to stop your habit.

» through force of habit = por la fuerza de la costumbre, por inercia, por rutina.

Example: They live still through force of habit and snobbery in a recent past, but the great majority in all places no longer have any sincere passion for art.

» work habit = hábito de trabajo.

Example: The best assistants tend to be average students who are punctual and reliable with good work habits.

» working habit = hábito de trabajo.

Example: This study reveals details of the working habits of authors.

habit2 = hábito. 

Example: These days, the Grim Reaper is usually portrayed as a skeleton or a cadaverous figure, garbed from head to foot in a black habit and hood, and carrying a large scythe.

Habit synonyms

use in spanish: utilizar, pronunciation: jus part of speech: noun, verb wont in spanish: no, pronunciation: woʊnt part of speech: noun substance abuse in spanish: abuso de sustancias, pronunciation: sʌbstənsəbjus part of speech: noun drug abuse in spanish: abuso de drogas, pronunciation: drʌgəbjus part of speech: noun
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