Qualifying in spanish


pronunciation: kɑlifikɑtiboʊ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

qualify = calificar, acotar, precisar, matizar, especificar, puntualizar, aclarar. 

Example: Common facets may be listed anywhere in the schedule order, because they are facets that, although only listed once can be applied anywhere in the citation order, as required to qualify the concept to which they apply.


» disqualify = descalificar. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: Neither, therefore, does the act of arranging a subject bibliography in alphabetical order disqualify it from being termed a `subject bibliography'.

» qualify for = reunir las condiciones para, permitir, poder.

Example: FIAC has drawn up a list of criteria to determine whether an advice centre qualifies for membership of the Federation.

» qualify + search = acotar una búsqueda, delimitar una búsqueda, restringir una búsqueda. [Proceso por el que se modifica la clave inicial de búsqueda para que el resultado de ésta sea más pertinente]

Example: If too many titles are found, try to qualify your search by entering publication date, author's name, or other qualifier.

» qualify + selection = restringir una búsqueda.

Example: The Year-Year fields are used to qualify selection to specific or a range for year of publication.

qualifying = que cumple los requisitos, aceptable. 

Example: Any UK grant scheme may serve to provide qualifying grants.


» qualifying round = fase eliminatoria.

Example: Second qualifying round first legs to be played July 30, second legs to be played on August 6.

» qualifying term = calificativo. [Palabra añadida a un término del índice para distinguir a éste de su homógrafo]

Example: In a general index it may only be possible to distinguish between different meanings of the one homograph by using scope notes or qualifying terms wherever the term arises.

» qualifying term = término secundario, calificador.

Example: The leading term determines the position of the entry, and the qualifying terms are subordinate to it.

Qualifying synonyms

pass in spanish: , pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun relative in spanish: , pronunciation: relətɪv part of speech: adjective passing in spanish: , pronunciation: pæsɪŋ part of speech: noun modification in spanish: , pronunciation: mɑdəfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun limiting in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪmətɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective

Qualifying antonyms

failing pronunciation: feɪlɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective
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