Quartet in spanish


pronunciation: kuɑɹ̩tetoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

quartet = cuarteto. 

Example: The legitimate yardstick against which to evaluate 'Beatlemusik' is not, pace Paul Johnson, Beethoven's last quartets, but other contemporary popular music.


» musical quartet = cuarteto musical.

Example: Entertainment will be provided by a musical quartet and soprano.

» woodwind quartet = cuarteto de viento.

Example: Medium of performance may be, for example, nocturne, piano, ballads, woodwind quartet, string orchestra.

Quartet synonyms

four in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔr part of speech: noun, adjective iv in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪv part of speech: noun tetrad in spanish: , pronunciation: titræd part of speech: noun quaternary in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɑtɜrneri part of speech: adjective, noun 4 in spanish: , pronunciation: none part of speech: noun, adjective foursome in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔrsəm part of speech: noun quadruplet in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɑdrʌplət part of speech: noun quaternion in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɑtɜrnun part of speech: noun quaternity in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɑtɜrnɪti part of speech: noun quartette in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɔrtet part of speech: noun quatern in spanish: , pronunciation: kwɔtɜrn part of speech: noun little joe in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪtəldʒoʊ part of speech: noun
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