Yesterday in spanish


pronunciation: ɑieɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

yesterday = ayer. 

Example: Obviously it would have been most desirable to have at least Ed Blume here yesterday to respond to some of Joan Marshall's particular criticisms, and more importantly, to have visibility.


» be not born yesterday = no haber nacido ayer, no chuparse el dedo.

Example: Alex has a baby face but he wasn't born yesterday.

» born yesterday = inocente, ingenuo.

Example: The article is entitled 'Born yesterday and other forms of original sin: two perspectives on library research'.

» the day before yesterday = anteayer, antes de ayer, antier.

Example: The day before the day before yesterday is three days after Saturday What day is it today?.

» yesterday afternoon = ayer al mediodía.

Example: These kinds of changes, incidentally, are relatively easy to effect through the sort of authority control system that, may I say, was so brilliantly described yesterday afternoon by Mr. Malinconico.

» yesterday evening = ayer por la tarde.

Example: We experienced some technical issues yesterday evening but these have now all been resolved.

» yesterday morning = ayer por la mañana.

Example: Two men -- one allegedly armed with a wooden club, the other with a jackknife -- were arrested early yesterday morning on assault and battery.

» yesterday night = anoche.

Example: Yesterday night two friends of mine were at my house and gave me a wonderful present.
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