Abombamiento in english


pronunciation: bʌldʒɪŋ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

abombamiento = protuberance. 

Example: The protuberance could be one of two things, a pus/bacteria filled sac that has lodged itself internally or a small tumor.

Abombamiento synonyms

gibbous in spanish: giboso, pronunciation: dʒɪbəs part of speech: adjective convex in spanish: convexo, pronunciation: kənveks part of speech: adjective bulbous in spanish: bulboso, pronunciation: bʌlbəs part of speech: adjective lenticular in spanish: lenticular, pronunciation: lentɪkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective bellied in spanish: velludo, pronunciation: belid part of speech: adjective protuberant in spanish: protuberante, pronunciation: proʊtubɜrənt part of speech: adjective bulgy in spanish: abultado, pronunciation: bʌldʒi part of speech: adjective lentiform in spanish: lentiforme, pronunciation: lenəfɔrm part of speech: adjective gibbose in spanish: gibosa, pronunciation: dʒɪboʊs part of speech: adjective biconvex in spanish: biconvexo, pronunciation: bɪkənveks part of speech: adjective hogged in spanish: acaparado, pronunciation: hɑgd part of speech: adjective bellying in spanish: acosando, pronunciation: beliɪŋ part of speech: adjective protrusive in spanish: sobresaliente, pronunciation: prətrusɪv part of speech: adjective convexo-convex in spanish: convexo-convexo, pronunciation: kənveksoʊkənveks part of speech: adjective convexo-concave in spanish: convexo-cóncavo, pronunciation: kənveksoʊkənkeɪv part of speech: adjective broken-backed in spanish: respaldo roto, pronunciation: broʊkənbækt part of speech: adjective planoconvex in spanish: plano convexo, pronunciation: plənoʊkənveks part of speech: adjective
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