Action in spanish


pronunciation: ɑkθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

action1 = acción, actuación, efecto. 

Example: Coates believed that in order to conceptualise an action it is necessary to visualise the thing on which the action is being performed.


» action adventure = aventura de acción, película de acción.

Example: This remake of William Castle's action adventure adds a genuinely supernatural plot to the old story of the duplicitous wife scheming to kill her husband but being one-upped by his even more ingenious counterplots.

» action agenda = calendario de actuaciones, calendario de actuación.

Example: An action agenda centred on the idea of outsourcing and a commitment to interdisciplinary research is adumbrated.

» action-centered = de acción.

Example: This is not an action-centered, but a contemplative and feeling-centered novel.

» actionful [action-full] = lleno de acción.

Example: Men will often stick at the actionful adventure story; stage they often get a taste for at about the age of ten.

» action movie = película de acción.

Example: Johnson's action movie 'Chill Factor' takes elements from many earlier suspense films and mixes them all together.

» action-packed = lleno de acción.

Example: I would deliberately avoid raising expectations that this is going to be an exciting action-packed read.

» actions speak louder than words = el camino se hace andando, el movimiento se demuestra andando, obras son amores y no buenas razones, dicho sin hecho no tiene provecho, del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho.

Example: But in the end, although I've talked myself blue in the face, I'm afraid actions speak louder than words.

» action term = término de acción.

Example: Here 'Diagnosis' is an action term, and so the operator for an action term is assigned to 'Diagnosis', viz. (2) Diagnosis.

» action tracking = trazabilidad de las acciones.

Example: The addition of action tracking makes a huge difference to how well we can optimize and make changes to external marketing.

» be all talk (,/and/but) no action = mucho ruido y pocas nueces, hablar mucho y no hacer nada, ser un cantamañanas, írsele la fuerza por la boca.

Example: She strikes me as someone who is all talk, no action.

» be out of action = estar fuera de combate, estar en el dique seco, estar fuera de servicio, estar fuera de circulación.

Example: DJ Slim will be out of action for a bit -- he has a serious back injury that needs intensive treatment immediately.

» call to action = llamada a la acción, llamamiento a la acción.

Example: It's a call to action to help people struggling to break the silence and speak out.

» fall in + action = caer en combate.

Example: The three soldiers have been declared fallen in action, but the return of their bodies is considered a national priority.

» galvanise into + action = impulsar a la acción.

Example: From a not unexpected situation of distant interest in European war activities US libraries became galvanised into action by the events of Pearl Harbor.

» in action = en la práctica.

Example: The intent of this book is not to accumulate a large number of cases; rather, the intent is to develop a set that illustrates the principles and theories of management in action.

» inaction = inactividad, inacción, falta de actividad.

Example: This article discusses reasons for inaction in this area = Este artículo expone las razones por la falta de actividad en este área .

» information action = actuación relacionada con la información.

Example: The results of these polls can often be used as a basis for further information action.

» initiate + an action = iniciar los trámites, emprender una acción.

Example: If events take an unfortunate turn and a dismissal action must be initiated, the supervisor must make certain that the applicable personnel rules and procedures have been followed.

» in one action = con una sola acción, de una vez, de una sola vez, de un tirón, de (un) golpe, de un plumazo, de una tacada.

Example: To remove the borrower from all routing lists in one action, enter the code for delete.

» interaction = interacción, interrelación, relación.

Example: One trend for the future is likely to be the development of hosts which are designed for interaction with the end user.

» killed in action = caído en combate, muerto en combate.

Example: The investigators studied the adjustment of 47 families of servicemen missing in action/killed in action.

» leave + Pronombre + out of action = dejar fuera de acción, poner fuera de acción.

Example: The ski accident was a devastating blow which left him out of action for 9 months.

» live-action = en vivo.

Example: The author discusses the role played by authors and illustrators in the audiovisual adaptation of books and the process of deciding whether a film is to be iconographic, animated or live-action.

» missing in action (MIA) = desaparecido en combate.

Example: The investigators studied the adjustment of 47 families of servicemen missing in action/killed in action.

» perform + an action = realizar una acción.

Example: Coates believed that in order to conceptualise an action it is necessary to visualise the thing on which the action is being performed.

» pump-action (shot)gun = escopeta de corredera.

Example: A pump-action shotgun is without a doubt one of the most versatile shotguns in the world.

» put + Nombre + out of action = dejar fuera de compate, dejar fuera de acción, dejar en el dique seco, dejar fuera de circulación, dejar fuera de servicio.

Example: After a brilliant first season with Benfica, Mantorras had a terrible second one; a traumatizing knee injury put Mantorras out of action.

» remedial action = medidas correctivas.

Example: Although there is some evidence to show that remedial action is growing, its effectiveness remains to be seen.

» set in + action = poner en funcionamiento, poner en marcha, activar, realizar, iniciar, comenzar, desencadenar.

Example: So he sets a reproducer in action, photographs the whole trail out, and passes it to his friend for insertion in his own memex.

» sting into + action = hacer reaccionar.

Example: In order to forestall such an event, some libraries in Britain were stung into action by the publication of an Act of Parliament which totally ignored public libraries.

» stir + Nombre + into action = incitar a Alguien a la acción.

Example: The role of the organizer is to stir people into action around the things that are important to them.

» swing into + action = empezar a actuar, ponerse manos a la obra, ponerse en marcha.

Example: If they want this finished by Autumn 2009 they are going to have to a get a move on, so hopefully they will swing into action pretty soon.

» symbolic action = actuación simbólica.

Example: The essence of fundraising is motivating individuals through symbolic action to behave in a desired way = La esencia de la recaudación de fondos motivar a los individuos a través de actuaciones simbólicas para que se comporten de una determinada manera.

» take out of + action = poner fuera de acción, dejar fuera de acción.

Example: From potentate to prisoner: Laurent Gbagbo, the former president, is at last taken out of action but will his country right itself?.

» take + remedial action = tomar medidas correctivas.

Example: In order to overcome theproblem of inaccessibility of the data in the library, it was decided to take remedial action.

» the action = la movida.

Example: They're never apart, and always seem to pop up wherever the action is.

» transitive actions = acción transitiva.

Example: Operator 3 introduces the performers of transitive actions, whether they be things or phenomena.

» translate into + practical action = poner en práctica.

Example: Many of the member states have taken the political and administrative initiative to translate these main recommendations into practical action.

» understand + Posesivo + own actions = entender + Posesivo + propias acciones, comprender + Posesivo + propias acciones.

Example: While they lead a bleak existence of isolation, danger and loneliness, these men reach out to tell their stories and try to understand their own actions through art.

» want + a slice/piece/share of the action = querer sacar tajada también, querer + Posesivo + tajada también, querer aprovecharse también, querer beneficiarse también, querer meter la cuchara.

Example: It burst onto the scene several years ago and now everyone wants a piece of the action.

action2 = acción, medidas, actuación, toma de medidas. 

Example: Americans, convinced that education could be the panacea for all their ills, answered with vigorous action.


» action line = línea de actuación.

Example: Action line 1 is concerned with library source data projects.

» action plan = plan de actuación, programa de actuación, plan de choque.

Example: This article outlines the background to an EC library action plan over 5 years supported by some 5 million Ecu.

» action programme = programa de actuación.

Example: In the consumer protection field, Community action programmes were agreed in 1975 and 1981 and legislation has been adopted within this framework.

» action project = acción. [En la Comunidad Europea, término usado para referirse a un proyecto en curso que ha sido aprobado por ella]

Example: Action projects include a computer database of all parochial charities in England and Wales, a survey of all charities, and production of a charity newsheet = Las acciones incluyen una base de datos de todas las obras benéficas religiosas en Inglaterra y Gales, una encuesta de todas las organizaciones benéficas, y la produccion de una hoja informativa sobre las obras de caridad.

» action-research = investigación-acción, investigación aplicada. [Investigación que intenta dar solución a un problema acuciante concreto]

Example: One of the recommendations made by the report regarding the development of community information services in Britain was the need for 'an action-research project which could considerably assist the profession's development in this area'.

» action statement = plan de actuación.

Example: The revised mission lends substance and form to the process that follows: the development of goals, objectives, and action statements.

» affirmative action = acciones positivas, discriminación positiva. [Principio por el cual se favorece deliberadamente a personas que por su religión, raza o sexo han sido tradicionalmente discriminadas en el entorno laboral o educativo]

Example: At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with affirmative action, alternative energy sources, homesteading, Chinese-American boys, androgyny, food co-ops.

» anti-dumping action = acción compensatoria.

Example: If a company has reasonable evidence that an imported product is being dumped or unfairly subsidized, a formal application for anti-dumping or countervailing action may be made to the European Commission.

» area for action = área de actuación.

Example: These examples do raise a major argument: by identifying these areas for action are we not promoting certain ideas and views?.

» CAP (Community Action Programme) = PAC (Programa de Actuación Comunitaria).

Example: It is, however, an open question how the CAP (Community Action Programme) will develop in relation to other common policies.

» citizen action group = grupo de acción ciudadana. [Grupo de ciudadanos organizados para tratar de asuntos de la comunidad que les afectan]

Example: The most significant response has been the growth in every town of a widening range of citizen action groups -- consumer groups, parent-teacher associations and branches of CASE, Shelter groups, Civic Trust groups, tenants' and residents' associations and many other kinds of 'grass roots' organisation.

» class action = acción popular, demanda colectiva.

Example: The misuse of class actions poses a significant threat in today's business world.

» class action suit = acción popular, demanda colectiva. [Denuncia judicial que se lleva a cabo por parte de todo un colectivo]

Example: Until this library patron brought a successful taxpayers' class-action suit against the local government it had been giving its library about half the amount later received.

» community action group = grupo de acción ciudadana. [Grupo de ciudadanos organizados para tratar de asuntos de la comunidad que les afectan]

Example: This is one of the major problems faced by public libraries aiding community action groups.

» concerted action = acción concertada, actuación concertada. [En la Comunidad Europea, término usado para referirse a un proyecto en curso que ha sido aprobado y está siendo coordinado por ella aunque su financiación corre a cargo de la institución comunitaria que lo está realizando]

Example: Twenty-three per cent is to be expended on the Community's direct action and 2% on concerted action.

» concerted action project = acción concertada. [En la Comunidad Europea, término usado para referirse a un proyecto en curso que ha sido aprobado y está siendo coordinado por ella aunque su financiación corre a cargo de la institución comunitaria que lo está realizando]

Example: Concerted action projects are coordinated by the Commission but the work is carried out and financed by organizations in the participating member states.

» corrective action = medidas correctivas, medidas correctoras.

Example: Furthermore, if the library 's governance system is guilty of poor performance, it is more difficult to induce corrective action from a committee than from one person, who can be more easily removed for just cause.

» counteraction [counter-action] = oposición.

Example: For the individual who seeks to react rationally, whether by personal complaint or collective counteraction, it is often difficult even to discover the information which is needed to make a start.

» countervailing action = acción compensatoria.

Example: If a company has reasonable evidence that an imported product is being dumped or unfairly subsidized, a formal application for anti-dumping or countervailing action may be made to the European Commission.

» course of action = línea de acción, línea de actuación, estrategia, estratagema, modo de actuar.

Example: Examines the advantages and disadvantages of approval plans suggesting that each library must carefully weigh them in order to determine its own best course of action.

» direct action = acción directa. [En la Comunidad Europea, término usado para referirse a un proyecto en curso que ha sido aprobado y está siendo financiado y gestionado por ella]

Example: Twenty-three per cent is to be expended on the Community's direct action and 2% on concerted action.

» direct action project = acción directa. [En la Comunidad Europea, término usado para referirse a un proyecto en curso que ha sido aprobado y está siendo financiado y gestionado por ella]

Example: Direct action projects are funded and managed entirely by the Commission.

» disciplinary action = expediente disciplinario, expediente de sanción.

Example: Students caught using mobile telephones were cautioned, three cautions leading to disciplinary action.

» face + disciplinary action = expedientar.

Example: A supermarket worker who phoned in sick but then went out and posted pictures on Facebook is facing disciplinary action.

» face + legal action = demandar, interponer una demanda (judicial), poner una demanda (judicial), entablar una demanda (judicial), llevar a juicio, querellarse contra.

Example: This article examines the question of whether fee-based information service producers could face legal action, from dissatisfied customers, if the information product is found wanting.

» for action = de actuación.

Example: Guidelines for action are established that take account of the current economic and political situation in the Community.

» for action = para actuar.

Example: Such information can be of use not only for information files but as an indicator of community needs and a stimulus for action.

» for action = para tomar medidas.

Example: Each branch was given a poster to display and a supply of forms which complainants could fill in and these were returned by the library to the nearest consumer protection office for action.

» improvement action = acción de mejora.

Example: The Council can demonstrate that implementation has progressed as planned in the original improvement action.

» indirect action project = acción indirecta. [En la Comunidad Europea, término usado para referirse a un proyecto en curso que ha sido aprobado y está siendo gestionado por ella aunque comparte su financiación con la institución comunitaria que lo está llevando a cabo]

Example: Indirect action projects are centrally managed by the Commission but contracted out to research organizations in the member states usually with costs shared between the Commission and the contractors.

» industrial action = disputa industrial, huelga.

Example: More than 500 library users returning items borrowed before the industrial action were interviewed during the 4 weeks following the reopening of the libraries.

» legal action = demanda judicial, juicio, acción legal, actuación legal.

Example: However, the senders of these messages may be risking legal action for e-mail defamation.

» military action = intervención militar, acción militar, actuación militar.

Example: It was the first time the Mr Blair had even hinted at military action and his words are likely to alarm Labour MPs.

» plan for action = plan de actuación.

Example: Even in casual discussions between the director and department heads ideas may come up which are suddenly translated into plans for action or procedural changes.

» plan of action = plan de actuación, programa de actuación, plan de choque.

Example: Libraries in the UK have welcomed the plan of action for Libraries in the European Community.

» politically subversive action = subversión política.

Example: The growth of the Internet in China from the mid 1990s onwards has been accompanied by the assumption that a large proportion of Chinese Internet users are interested in politically subversive action.

» pose + corrective actions = tomar medidas correctivas.

Example: In addition, any control system that does not pose corrective actions after deviations occur is little more than an interesting exercise.

» positive action = acción positiva, actuación positiva.

Example: The author examines areas where positive action is required in order to achieve effective bibliographic control.

» proaction = dinamismo, actividad, iniciativa.

Example: Based on their experience of mutual benefit over the past 3 years, both university libraries have transformed the goal of their interinstitutional agreement from protection to proaction.

» programme of action = programa de actuación.

Example: In this laboratory situation, students' analyses and programs of action may undergo some modification as collectively the class debates alternatives.

» radius of + Posesivo + action = radio de acción.

Example: Also the radius of their action is frequently limited and does not have government support.

» securities class action = demanda colectiva de los inversionistas.

Example: The threat of securities class actions haunts every public company.

» strategic action = acción estratégica, actuación estratégica.

Example: If, on the other hand, we take strategic action now, when the inevitable cuts in funding hit us, we will be able to absorb them without being forced into crisis measures.

» strike action = huelga.

Example: The author considers what the attitude of the profession should be to proposed strike action.

» subversive action = subversión política.

Example: Subversive action is a fact of life for all political organisations.

» take + action (against) = tomar medidas (contra), obrar (contra).

Example: Measures to prevent such incidents include fitting burglar alarms in libraries and taking quick and decisive action against troublesome users.

» take + action step = tomar medida.

Example: Indeed, if we were to look again at the life cycle of institutions, what does that mean in terms of action steps that we need to take?.

» take + legal action = emprender acciones legales, demandar, presentar una demanda (judicial), llevar a juicio, querellarse, poner una demanda (judicial), entablar una demanda (judicial), interponer una demanda (judicial).

Example: If the law is not complied with the individual could take legal action.

» undertake + an action = actuar, tomar medidas.

Example: Members will not undertake actions that may unfairly or unlawfully jeopardise a candidate's employment.

Action synonyms

activity in spanish: actividad, pronunciation: æktɪvəti part of speech: noun activeness in spanish: actividad, pronunciation: æktɪvnəs part of speech: noun legal action in spanish: accion legal, pronunciation: ligəlækʃən part of speech: noun natural process in spanish: proceso natural, pronunciation: nætʃɜrəlprɑses part of speech: noun action at law in spanish: acción legal, pronunciation: ækʃənætlɔ part of speech: noun natural action in spanish: acción natural, pronunciation: nætʃɜrəlækʃən part of speech: noun military action in spanish: acción militar, pronunciation: mɪləteriækʃən part of speech: noun

Action antonyms

inaction pronunciation: ɪnækʃən part of speech: noun inactivity pronunciation: ɪnæktɪvɪti part of speech: noun inactiveness pronunciation: ɪnæktɪvnəs part of speech: noun
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