Adept in spanish


pronunciation: ɑdeptoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

adept = experto, ducho. 

Example: The machine is indeed quite adept at creating alternate access points and customized sequences.


» be adept at = estar ducho en, tener la habilidad de.

Example: Service to the whole community implies positive discrimination towards those who through social or educational deprivation are least adept at using information tools.

» become + adept = acostumbrarse.

Example: Worse still, some EC countries, particularly in a period of world economic recession, become adept at bending the Community's rules to suit their own purposes.

Adept synonyms

good in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective star in spanish: estrella, pronunciation: stɑr part of speech: noun genius in spanish: genio, pronunciation: dʒinjəs part of speech: noun expert in spanish: experto, pronunciation: ekspɜrt part of speech: noun, adjective ace in spanish: as, pronunciation: eɪs part of speech: noun maven in spanish: maven, pronunciation: meɪvən part of speech: noun proficient in spanish: competente, pronunciation: prɑfɪʃənt part of speech: adjective sensation in spanish: sensación, pronunciation: senseɪʃən part of speech: noun wizard in spanish: mago, pronunciation: wɪzɜrd part of speech: noun virtuoso in spanish: virtuoso, pronunciation: vɜrtʃuoʊsoʊ part of speech: noun whiz in spanish: zumbido, pronunciation: wɪz part of speech: noun, verb wiz in spanish: fenómeno, pronunciation: wɪz part of speech: noun skillful in spanish: hábil, pronunciation: skɪlfəl part of speech: adjective whizz in spanish: zumbido, pronunciation: wɪz part of speech: noun, verb hotshot in spanish: tiro caliente, pronunciation: hɑʃɑt part of speech: noun skilful in spanish: hábil, pronunciation: skɪlfəl part of speech: adjective skilled in spanish: experto, pronunciation: skɪld part of speech: adjective practiced in spanish: experto, pronunciation: præktəst part of speech: adjective
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