Facet in spanish


pronunciation: fɑθetɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

facet1 = aspecto, faceta. 

Example: The extent to which each of these facets contributes towards a good abstract is a function of the style and type of abstract and the documents being abstracted.

facet2 = faceta. [Conjunto de subdivisiones producidas al aplicar una característica a una clase]

Example: A facet, then, is the sum total of isolates formed by the division of a subject by one characteristic of division.


» common facet = faceta común.

Example: Common facets may be listed anywhere in the schedule order, because they are facets that, although only listed once can be applied anywhere in the citation order, as required to qualify the concept to which they apply.

» differential facet = faceta diferencial.

Example: Differential facets are subfacets which are placed adjacent to specific facets to which they are applicable; they are not generally used with all of the facets in the scheme.

» Energy facet = faceta de Energía.

Example: Again, in Class M7 Textiles we find that the Personality facet P is considered to be the Fibre (Cotton, Flax, Hemp, etc) and in the Energy facet are found the operations (Spinning, Weaving, Carding, etc.).

» facet analysis = análisis por facetas, análisis facetado.

Example: This process of analysis into facets is called facet analysis, and the resultant classification is termed a faceted classification.

» facet-based = facetado, basado en facetas.

Example: This is a facet-based system which allows the subjects investigated to be processed in terms of visuality.

» facet formula = fórmula de facetas.

Example: The citation order PMEST and various other facet formulae can be ascribed to Ranganathan.

» facet indicator = indicador de faceta. [Símbolo especial que introduce una faceta concreta en la secuencia de los elementos de un símbolo de clase]

Example: In addition, synthesis often requires the use of a facet indicator, which marks the beginning of a new facet for example.

» Form facet = faceta de forma.

Example: Consider the subject 'Gothic mural painting in Bohemia and Moravia'; there are three foci here, Gothic, from the Time facet, mural, from the Form facet, and Bohemia and Moravia from the Place facet, all three facets within the basic class Painting.

» Personality facet = faceta de Personalidad.

Example: Again, in Class M7 Textiles we find that the Personality facet P is considered to be the Fibre (Cotton, Flax, Hemp, etc) and in the Energy facet are found the operations (Spinning, Weaving, Carding, etc.).

» subfacet [sub-facet] = subfaceta.

Example: Because all classes comprise simple isolates grouped as foci within facets and sub-facets, the schedules themselves are relatively succinct.

» Thesaurofacet = Thesaurofacet.

Example: The full title 'Thesaurofacet: a thesaurus and faceted classification for engineering and related subjects' shows that there are in fact two tools here, a classification and a thesaurus.

» Time facet = faceta de tiempo.

Example: Consider the subject 'Gothic mural painting in Bohemia and Moravia'; there are three foci here, Gothic, from the Time facet, mural, from the form facet, and Bohemia and Moravia from the Place facet, all three facets within the basic class Painting.

Facet synonyms

aspect in spanish: aspecto, pronunciation: æspekt part of speech: noun
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