Failing in spanish


pronunciation: defektoʊ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

fail2 = fracasar, fallar. 

Example: This article suggests the steps that libraries might take during periods of instability to reduce their chances of being injured by a vendor that fails.


» fail + dismally = fracasar miserablemente, fracasar de manera lamentable.

Example: The essays in this volume fail dismally to contribute anything of value to our understanding of the topic.

» fail in + Posesivo + attempt(s) = fracasar en + Posesivo + intento, fracasar en el intento, dar en hueso, pinchar en hueso.

Example: Thus far she's failed in her attempts to amend the constitution, which bars her from standing for president because her children are citizens of another country.

» fail + miserably = fracasar miserablemente, fracasar de manera lamentable.

Example: However, in retrospect, the U.S. government's goal of eradicating Native American cultures failed miserably.

» fail out of = fracasar por, fracasar debido a.

Example: Generally speaking, however, what can paralyze some people is fear, creating the potential to fail out of sheer funk.

» fail + Posesivo + duty = descuidar las obligaciones de uno.

Example: If he attempts to deal with a query about China without first ensuring that it is the country and not the porcelain that is meant he is failing his duty.

» fail-safe = infalible, a prueba de fallos.

Example: The technical safeguards available are not fail-safe.

» fail to + Infinitivo = no + Indicativo, no poder + Indicativo.

Example: Shelf arrangement fails to permit a document to be represented at more than one place in a sequence.

» if (my) memory doesn't fail me = si no me falla la memoria.

Example: If my memory doesn't fail me, I think I used 2 tablespoons of the dried herb to 4 cups of boiling water which I allowed to steep for 30 minutes.

» light + fail = desvanecerse la luz, anochecer, atardecer.

Example: When the light began to fail she turned on a lamp next to the couch and continued the conversation with herself.

» without fail = sin falta, sin fallar, sin excepción, mecánicamente, automáticamente.

Example: Without fail, every time the roosters crowed in the morning, the sun rose afterwards.

fail3 = decepcionar. 

Example: Thus our catalogs have largely failed our readers in the important function of revealing what editions and translations of a particular work the library had.

fail4 = suspender, dar calabazas. 

Example: These courses give the student who has failed a second chance to make new start.


» fail + an exam(ination) = suspender un examen.

Example: Not only did he fail the exam, but he managed to look like a douchebag too.

» fail grade = suspenso.

Example: Students absent from exams will automatically get a fail grade.

failing1 = fallo, defecto, falta, deficiencia. 

Example: No supervisor should be a tiresome nag, but the achievements and failings of a persons's performance deserves mention in a constructive way at timely, regular intervals.


» failing eyesight = empeoramiento de la vista.

Example: By the late 1970s, Benedict's failing eyesight made it impossible for him to continue.

» failing health = salud deteriorada, deterioro de la salud, empeoramiento de la salud.

Example: At the age of 90, and in failing health, her face creased up in a smile on hearing that she had been granted a retrial in a murder case for which she spent 10 years in prison.

failing2 = defectuoso, abocado al fracaso. 

Example: Rejuvenation of listless, stagnant, or failing library operations is possible through renewal methods dependent on strengthening the communication function.


» failing that/these = de lo contrario, en su defecto, si eso no es posible, si no fuese/fuera posible.

Example: Thus, single-word terms or, failing theses, two-word terms, are preferred for describing concepts if such terms exist.

» failing which = de lo contrario, en su defecto, si no es posible, si no fuese/fuera posible.

Example: We will however endeavour to inform the successful candidate by the close of play on the day of interviews failing which it will be on the following day.

» unfailing = infalible, constante, inagotable, inquebrantable, indefectible.

Example: Public libraries can be characterized by an unfailing flexibility and sincere intent to help people solve problems.

Failing synonyms

retrograde in spanish: retrógrado, pronunciation: retrəgreɪd part of speech: adjective weakness in spanish: debilidad, pronunciation: wiknəs part of speech: noun regressive in spanish: regresivo, pronunciation: rəgresɪv part of speech: adjective failed in spanish: ha fallado, pronunciation: feɪld part of speech: adjective unsuccessful in spanish: fracasado, pronunciation: ənsəksesfəl part of speech: adjective unsatisfactory in spanish: insatisfactorio, pronunciation: ənsətɪsfæktɜri part of speech: adjective deteriorating in spanish: deteriorándose, pronunciation: dɪtɪriɜreɪtɪŋ part of speech: verb declining in spanish: declinante, pronunciation: dɪklaɪnɪŋ part of speech: verb retrogressive in spanish: retrógrado, pronunciation: retrəgresɪv part of speech: adjective regressing in spanish: regresando, pronunciation: rɪgresɪŋ part of speech: verb

Failing antonyms

pass pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun passing pronunciation: pæsɪŋ part of speech: noun qualifying pronunciation: kwɑləfaɪɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective
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