Jackass in spanish


pronunciation: buroʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

jackass1 = asno, burro, borrico, borriquilla. [Usado para el macho del animal. Ver además jack como prefijo para otros usos]

Example: That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass.

jackass2 = idiota, estúpido, tonto, necio, gilipollas, tontopollas. 

Example: Well, maybe if you hadn't been such a jackass I wouldn't make fun of you.

Jackass synonyms

jack in spanish: Jack, pronunciation: dʒæk part of speech: noun goose in spanish: ganso, pronunciation: gus part of speech: noun zany in spanish: loco, pronunciation: zeɪni part of speech: adjective, noun cuckoo in spanish: cuco, pronunciation: kʌku part of speech: noun goof in spanish: bobo, pronunciation: guf part of speech: noun, verb fathead in spanish: imbécil, pronunciation: fæθed part of speech: noun
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