Packet in spanish


pronunciation: pɑkete part of speech: noun
In gestures

packet = paquete, dosier. 

Example: In packet switching the message is split up in order to be sent through the network in short fixed length packets.


» a packet of chewing gum = un paquete de chicles.

Example: Having a USB memory stick is like carrying a portable hard drive the size of a packet of chewing gum.

» a packet of cigarettes = un paquete de cigarrillos, un paquete de tabaco, una cajetilla de cigarrillos, una cajetilla de tabaco.

Example: Five hundred packets of cigarettes are supplied to the Vatican each month, while cardinals also receive coupons for petrol.

» cost + a packet (of money) = costar un dineral, valer un dineral, costar un montón, valer un montón.

Example: If you are serious I could send you one but postage from South Africa will cost a packet!.

» packet soup = sopa de sobre.

Example: Consumers of both tinned and packet soup are increasingly eating fresh soup too.

» packet switching = conmutación en paquetes. [En tecnología de la información, método usado para enviar información por las redes según el cual ésta se divide en secciones (paquetes) para su transmisión]

Example: In packet switching the message is split up in order to be sent through the network in short fixed length packets.

» Packet-Switching System (PSS) = Sistema de Comunicación por Paquetes (PSS).

Example: Eventually, it will be possible to use both the telephone network and the Packet-Switching System (PSS) for Teletex to both UK and overseas addresses.

» pay packet = paga, nómina, sueldo.

Example: Productivity has risen threefold since 1970 but barely a dollar from this buoyant economy has made its way into the average person's pay packet.

» spend + a packet (of money) = gastarse un montón, gastarse el oro y el moro, gastarse una fortuna.

Example: Webcams mean that everyone can operate their own video security systems without spending a packet.

» sugar packet = paquete de azúcar.

Example: This is a selection of US museums dedicated to some rather unusual and extraordinary subjects and exhibits, including beverage cans, sugar packets, band aids, hygiene products, road asphalt and navel fluff.

Packet synonyms

bundle in spanish: haz, pronunciation: bʌndəl part of speech: noun package in spanish: paquete, pronunciation: pækədʒ part of speech: noun parcel in spanish: paquete, pronunciation: pɑrsəl part of speech: noun mailboat in spanish: barco de correo, pronunciation: meɪlboʊt part of speech: noun mail boat in spanish: barco de correo, pronunciation: meɪlboʊt part of speech: noun packet boat in spanish: barco de paquetes, pronunciation: pækətboʊt part of speech: noun
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