Yearly in spanish


pronunciation: ɑnuɑl part of speech: adjective, adverb
In gestures

yearly + Nombre = anual. 

Example: The most important periodicals of all are bound into yearly volumes which become part of the permanent book stock.

yearly = anualmente, cada año. 

Example: I suggest that somewhere between 10 to 25 years' worth of material be stored online and that the catalog be weeded or purged yearly.


» five yearly [five-yearly] = quinquenal, de cinco años.

Example: This catalogue has annual and five yearly cumulations.

» on a yearly basis = anualmente, cada año, todos los años.

Example: This service will be produced on a yearly basis.

» twice yearly [twice-yearly] = semestral, dos veces al año.

Example: The journal was originally intended as a quarterly, but changed to twice yearly publication with the 1st issue of 1977.

» yearly cycle = ciclo anual.

Example: Budgeting in libraries, which is usually on a yearly cycle, is the primary means by which formulated plans can be carried out.

» yearly + Nombre = anual.

Example: The most important periodicals of all are bound into yearly volumes which become part of the permanent book stock.

» yearly turnover = facturación anual.

Example: According to those in the know there's a debt of 1.2 million on a yearly turnover of about 3 million = Según los entendidos, en una facturación anual de cerca de 3 millones se acumula una deuda de 1,2 millones de dólares .

Yearly synonyms

annual in spanish: , pronunciation: ænjuəl part of speech: adjective, noun annually in spanish: , pronunciation: ænjuəli part of speech: adverb each year in spanish: , pronunciation: itʃjɪr part of speech: adverb every year in spanish: , pronunciation: evɜrijɪr part of speech: adverb
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