Sacerdote in english


pronunciation: prist part of speech: noun
In gestures

sacerdote = priest ; divine ; parson ; parish priest ; vicar. 

Example: As early as 3000 B.C., the Sumerians kept records on clay tablets; many of those records applied to the management practices of the priests in Ur.Example: There were popular religious works, mainly by later seventeenth century nonconformist divines, of which the most famous was of course John Bunyan.Example: The parson, he said, now has to wait two weeks for a book being read by his clerk.Example: The local church was packed to the rafters for the funeral of a much-loved parish priest who died last month aged 69.Example: These figures of 'authority', the local postman, the vicar, the village postmistress and schoolmaster were fast disappearing from the rural scene.

Sacerdote synonyms

non-christian priest in spanish: sacerdote no cristiano, pronunciation: nɑnkrɪstʃənprist part of speech: noun
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