Qualified in spanish


pronunciation: kɑlifikɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

qualified1 = cualificado, titulado, capacitado, que reúne las condiciones, homologado, competente. 

Example: The projections of qualified manpower into the year 2000 are bleak for personnel based industries.


» already-qualified = con titulación previa.

Example: Already-qualified staff study additional subjects, such as 'service to readers' or 'reference and information work', while those without higher education have training at their workplace in practical procedures.

» be qualified for/to = estar capacitado para.

Example: All of her work has been with public service aspects of librarianship; she's especially well qualified to talk about the reader's side of catalog use.

» dually qualified = con doble titulación.

Example: It seems possible that in the long-term future all school librarians could be dually qualified in teaching and librarianship.

» newly-qualified = recién graduado.

Example: The check-list is intended to be used for self-assessment for newly qualified librarians during the pre-registration period.

» overqualified = demasiado cualificado. 

Example: It makes good sense to hire the person most qualified for a job, and there is no such thing as being 'overqualified' for reference work.

» properly qualified = con la debida cualificación.

Example: This entails restricting membership to properly qualified persons only, and exercising sanctions on members who infringe professional standards.

» qualified, the = diplomados, los.

Example: The award of a charter, the establishment of an examination system, and a register of the qualified, rapidly created a 'near-monopoly in training' in the years between 1885 and 1909.

» qualified personnel = personal cualificado.

Example: Children with disabilities deserve access to qualified personnel regardless of the setting in which they receive services.

» qualified staff = personal cualificado.

Example: Lack of qualified staff and administrative support had retarded development of prison library service in the state = La falta de personal cualificado y de apoyo administrativo ha retardado el desarrollo de los servicios bibliotecarios penitenciarios en el estado.

» unqualified = sin titulación.

Example: The author examines the problem of poorly qualified or unqualified teachers in the South African educational system for black children.

qualified2 = a medias, incompleto, limitado, con reservas. 

Example: The majority of projects are small, poorly funded, and only a qualified success.


» unqualified = incondicional, sin reservas, claro, rotundo.

Example: Wing has not had the almost unqualified praise from the reviewers that Pollard and Redgrave received.

qualify = calificar, acotar, precisar, matizar, especificar, puntualizar, aclarar. 

Example: Common facets may be listed anywhere in the schedule order, because they are facets that, although only listed once can be applied anywhere in the citation order, as required to qualify the concept to which they apply.


» disqualify = descalificar. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]

Example: Neither, therefore, does the act of arranging a subject bibliography in alphabetical order disqualify it from being termed a `subject bibliography'.

» qualify for = reunir las condiciones para, permitir, poder.

Example: FIAC has drawn up a list of criteria to determine whether an advice centre qualifies for membership of the Federation.

» qualify + search = acotar una búsqueda, delimitar una búsqueda, restringir una búsqueda. [Proceso por el que se modifica la clave inicial de búsqueda para que el resultado de ésta sea más pertinente]

Example: If too many titles are found, try to qualify your search by entering publication date, author's name, or other qualifier.

» qualify + selection = restringir una búsqueda.

Example: The Year-Year fields are used to qualify selection to specific or a range for year of publication.

Qualified synonyms

competent in spanish: , pronunciation: kɑmpətɪnt part of speech: adjective dependent in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪpendənt part of speech: adjective limited in spanish: , pronunciation: lɪmətəd part of speech: adjective dependant in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪpendənt part of speech: noun, adjective tempered in spanish: , pronunciation: tempɜrd part of speech: adjective certified in spanish: , pronunciation: sɜrtəfaɪd part of speech: adjective restricted in spanish: , pronunciation: ristrɪktəd part of speech: adjective modified in spanish: , pronunciation: mɑdəfaɪd part of speech: adjective conditional in spanish: , pronunciation: kəndɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective registered in spanish: , pronunciation: redʒɪstɜrd part of speech: adjective hedged in spanish: , pronunciation: hedʒd part of speech: adjective moderated in spanish: , pronunciation: mɑdɜreɪtɪd part of speech: adjective well-qualified in spanish: , pronunciation: welkwɑləfaɪd part of speech: adjective weasel-worded in spanish: , pronunciation: wisəlwɜrdɪd part of speech: adjective

Qualified antonyms

unqualified pronunciation: ənkwɑlɪfaɪd part of speech: adjective
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