Abstract in spanish


pronunciation: resumen part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

abstract1 = abstracto. 

Example: True of adults, this is even more affectively true of children, who cannot yet comprehend in abstract terms.


» abstract art = arte abstracto.

Example: Abstract art has lately been considered out of fashion in the art centers of New York.

» abstract idea = idea abstracta.

Example: The phenomena studied by disciplines may be either concrete entities, such as adolescent, motor car, dog or diamond or abstract ideas such as love, beauty or hate.

» abstract style = estilo abstracto.

Example: The author discusses the abstract style and patterns of Norwegian folk art, especially weaving, embroidery, and wood carving.

» abstract thought = pensamiento abstracto.

Example: At this stage of 'concrete operations' children think in factual terms which are an essential preliminary to abstract and deductive thought.

abstract2 = resumen. [Representación breve del contenido del documento, sin interpretación ni crítica]

Example: An abstract is a concise and accurate representation of the contents of a document, in a style similar to that of the original document.


» abstract journal = revista de resúmenes. [Revista que presenta los resúmenes de los artículos publicados sobre una especialidad y que a diferencia del abstracts bulletin (boletín de resúmenes) se publica de modo comercial]

Example: The production of an abstract journal often seems to be a continuing fight against error.

» abstract page = página de resúmenes. [Página que se coloca al principio o final de todo documento que contiene más de un artículo y que incluye la descripción bibliográfica y un resumen de cada uno de los artículos]

Example: An abstract page is a page, preferably detachable, placed at the beginning or end of every publication comprising more than one contribution, and including a bibliographic description and an abstract of each contribution.

» abstracts based bibliographic database = base de datos bibliográfica de resúmenes.

Example: This shows a record in an abstracts based bibliographic data base.

» abstracts bulletin = boletín de resúmenes. [Boletín que periódicamente pone una biblioteca al servicio de sus lectores como servicio de difusión selectiva que contiene resúmenes de los materiales bibliográficos que la biblioteca contiene relacionados con los interéses temáticos de los lectores y que a diferencia del abstracts journal (revista de resúmenes) no se publica comercialmente]

Example: Abstracts bulletins supplement published abstracts and have the advantages of being more up-to-date and based on the individual library's own holdings.

» abstract sheet = página de resúmenes. [Página, preferiblemente suelta, que se coloca al principio o final de una publicación periódica y que contiene la descripción bibliográfica y el resumen de los artículos que contiene]

Example: An abstract page is a page, preferably detachable, placed at the beginning or end of every periodical or other serial publication comprising more than one contribution, and including a bibliographic description and an abstract of each contribution.

» abstracts journal = revista de resúmenes. [Revista que presenta los resúmenes de los artículos publicados sobre una especialidad y que a diferencia del abstracts bulletin (boletín de resúmenes) se publica de modo comercial]

Example: This type of checking can be delegated to the printer to speed publication of the abstracts journal.

» author abstract = resumen de autor.

Example: Author abstracts are the abstracts prepared by authors of the document that has been subjected to abstracting.

» Chemical Abstracts (CA) = Chemical Abstracts (CA). [Base de datos con referencias bibliográficas sobre química y áreas afines]

Example: Science librarians at the New York Public Library without a strong educational background in chemistry often had difficulty in searching the printed Chemical Abstracts (CA).

» Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS) = Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS). [Distribuidor de bases de datos sobre química y ciencias afines]

Example: STN International is a host arrangement being spearheaded by Chemical Abstracts Services.

» critical abstract = resumen crítico.

Example: A critical abstract evaluates a document and the work that it records.

» discipline-oriented abstract = resumen hecho para una disciplina concreta.

Example: When an abstract is written for a specific area of knowledge (e.g., mathematics), it is said to be discipline-oriented.

» findings-oriented abstract = resumen de resultados.

Example: Findings-oriented abstracts emphasize the results or findings of an investigation.

» highlight abstract = resumen de interés, destinado a despertar el interés del usuario.

Example: Highlight abstracts are designed to attract the reader's attention to an article and to whet the appetite.

» homotopic abstract = resumen homotópico.

Example: An alternative term is homotopic abstracts, literally, published at the same time as the original.

» indicative abstract = resumen indicativo. [Resumen que indica el tipo de documento, los principales temas tratados y cómo se tratan]

Example: Indicative abstract are suitable for discussion and review articles, books, and in some circumstances, conference proceedings, reports without conclusions, essays and bibliographies.

» indicative-informative abstract = resumen indicativo-informativo.

Example: Indicative-informative abstracts are more common than either the purely indicative or the purely informative abstract.

» informative abstract = resumen informativo. [Resumen que facilita la máxima información posible cuantitativa o cualitativa, o ambas, contenida en un documento]

Example: Informative abstract present as much as possible of the quantitative or qualitative information contained in a document.

» International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA) = Resúmenes Internacionales de Farmacia (IPA).

Example: This article briefly describes how the indexing of International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA) developed.

» meeting abstract = resumen de comunicación. [Resumen de comunicación u otro tipo de comunicado presentado en congreso]

Example: Meeting abstracts or abstracts of scientific papers presented at scientific meetings of professional societies are an important avenue for the dissemination of current data.

» mini-abstract = miniresumen.

Example: Mini-abstracts do little more than amplify the title.

» mission-oriented abstract = resumen especial, resumen de misión.

Example: A mission-oriented abstract is an abstract which is prepared for a mission-oriented abstracting service.

» numerical abstract = resumen numérico.

Example: Statistical, tabular and numerical abstracts are a means of summarizing numerical data, which may be presented in its original format in a tabular form.

» ruly abstract = resumen reglado.

Example: Some telegraphic abstract some written in a very standardized format and are sometimes termed ruly abstracts.

» selective abstract = resumen selectivo. [Resumen que refleja sólo aquellas partes del texto que parecen esenciales para una categoría de usuarios determinada]

Example: A selective abstract is an abstract which retains only those parts of the text which appear essential to a particular category of users.

» short abstract = resumen breve.

Example: Short abstracts comprising only one or two sentences, for instance, may be valuable in commercial information services.

» slanted abstract = resumen selectivo. [Resumen que refleja sólo aquellas partes del texto que parecen esenciales para una categoría de usuarios determinada]

Example: Slanted abstracts may be informative, indicative, critical or mini-abstracts that have been oriented towards the interest of a known audience.

» statistical abstract = resumen estadístico.

Example: Statistical, tabular and numerical abstracts are a means of summarizing numerical data, which may be presented in its original format in a tabular form.

» tabular abstract = resumen tabular.

Example: Statistical, tabular and numerical abstracts are a means of summarizing numerical data, which may be presented in its original format in a tabular form.

» telegraphic abstract = resumen telegráfico.

Example: Telegraphic abstracts are written in a note form or in a telegram style.

abstract3 = resumir. 

Example: For example, a paper that discusses diseases in dogs, cats, and chickens might have only the part about dogs abstracted if the user group is doing research on diseases in dogs.

abstract4 = abstraer. 

Example: Knowledge level description is a proposal that emphasizes the knowledge content and usage and abstracts away implementation details.

Abstract synonyms

hook in spanish: gancho, pronunciation: hʊk part of speech: noun lift in spanish: levantar, pronunciation: lɪft part of speech: verb, noun ideal in spanish: ideal, pronunciation: aɪdil part of speech: adjective, noun outline in spanish: contorno, pronunciation: aʊtlaɪn part of speech: noun, verb sneak in spanish: furtivo, pronunciation: snik part of speech: verb, noun synopsis in spanish: sinopsis, pronunciation: sɪnɑpsɪs part of speech: noun pinch in spanish: pellizco, pronunciation: pɪntʃ part of speech: noun, verb notional in spanish: hipotético, pronunciation: noʊʃənəl part of speech: adjective technical in spanish: técnico, pronunciation: teknɪkəl part of speech: adjective, noun swipe in spanish: golpe fuerte, pronunciation: swaɪp part of speech: noun, verb cabbage in spanish: repollo, pronunciation: kæbədʒ part of speech: noun abstraction in spanish: abstracción, pronunciation: æbstrækʃən part of speech: noun purloin in spanish: hurtar, pronunciation: pɜrlɔɪn part of speech: verb precis in spanish: resumen, pronunciation: preɪsi part of speech: noun pilfer in spanish: robar a, pronunciation: pɪlfɜr part of speech: verb conceptual in spanish: conceptual, pronunciation: kənseptʃuəl part of speech: adjective theoretical in spanish: teórico, pronunciation: θiɜretɪkəl part of speech: adjective filch in spanish: sisar, pronunciation: fɪltʃ part of speech: verb snarf in spanish: snarf, pronunciation: snɑrf part of speech: verb nobble in spanish: ejercer presión sobre, pronunciation: nɑbəl part of speech: verb ideational in spanish: ideacional, pronunciation: aɪdiæʃənəl part of speech: adjective nonrepresentational in spanish: no representacional, pronunciation: nɑnrəprezənteɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective conceptional in spanish: concepcional, pronunciation: kənsepʃənəl part of speech: adjective abstractionist in spanish: abstraccionista, pronunciation: æbstrækʃənɪst part of speech: noun, adjective nonobjective in spanish: no objetivo, pronunciation: nɑnəbdʒektɪv part of speech: adjective nonfigurative in spanish: no figurativo, pronunciation: nɑnfɪgjʊrətɪv part of speech: adjective

Abstract antonyms

concrete pronunciation: kənkrit part of speech: adjective, noun
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