Lab in spanish


pronunciation: lɑboʊɹ̩ɑtoʊɹ̩ioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

lab = laboratorio. [Abreviatura de laboratory]

Example: Naturally, one thinks of sports novels in the gym and biographies of scientists in the labs.


» computer lab = sala de informática.

Example: On 28 July 1997 Colorado State University, USA, experienced a flash flood which destroyed 50 per of the library's collection, and destroyed its computer lab.

» lab based [lab-based] = en la sala de informática.

Example: The one-week intensive course will consist of lectures; seminars; and lab-based practicals.

» lab coat = bata, bata de laboratorio.

Example: They are famous manufacturers of protective uniforms, including aprons, lab coats, scrubs and smocks.

» lab culture = cultivo de laboratorio.

Example: The addition of the yeast did not enhance or diminish the inhibitory capacity of the lab cultures.

» lab rat = rata de laboratorio.

Example: It must be another hairbrained idea made by lab rats with no real world experience.

» lab test = prueba, test, test de laboratorio, prueba de laboratorio.

Example: The article 'Search engine showdown' reports the results of lab tests carried out on 7 major World Wide Web (WWW) search engines available free of charge on the Internet.

» language lab = laboratorio de idiomas.

Example: Its various services include: a children's library; language lab; media suite and reading areas.

» teaching lab = laboratorio de enseñanza.

Example: Another of his many responsibilities is to maintain and operate booking systems for teaching labs, equipment, facilities, and services.

Lab synonyms

laboratory in spanish: laboratorio, pronunciation: læbrətɔri part of speech: noun science lab in spanish: laboratorio de ciencia, pronunciation: saɪənslæb part of speech: noun
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